Meet The Hosts

Ethan Banks | LinkedIn
Day Two Cloud
Heavy Networking
Tech Bytes

Ethan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and spent over two decades as an IT practitioner. He supported verticals including government, education, healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing as an infrastructure specialist. He’s been a CNE, MCSE, CEH, CCNA, CCNP, CCSP, and CCIE R&S #20655.

His major focus has been on large enterprise network design for campuses, data centers, and global WANs. He held roles as a team member, technical team lead, and group manager focused on engineering and architecture.

As the co-founder of Packet Pushers, Ethan focuses on integrating all parts of the IT stack together. He researches leading open source projects, hybrid cloud, HCI, distributed systems, infrastructure telemetry, data analysis, and software-defined everything.

One result of that research is "Computer Networking Problems And Solutions: An innovative approach to building resilient, modern networks," a book co-authored by Ethan with Russ White.

You might like his personal blog at

Ned Bellavance | LinkedIn
Day Two Cloud

Ned Bellavance is an IT professional and Founder of Ned in the Cloud LLC. Ned is a Microsoft Azure MVP for Azure Stack, and he holds a number of industry certifications from Microsoft, AWS, VMware, and Citrix.  He also has a B.S. in Computer Science and an MBA with an Information Technology concentration.

Ned is passionate about new technology and is always trying to separate out the marketing fluff from the reality of the technical fine print. You can find his thoughts regarding the technical landscape on On the Day Two Cloud podcast, Ned interviews cloud practitioners about the reality of operating cloud environments in the real world. Ned also produces Buffer Overflow with cohost Chris Hayner, discussing weekly tech news an insightful and occasionally amusing manner.

In addition to his day job, Ned also authors courses for Pluralsight.  You can see his current list of courses on his author page.

Ned is also available for freelance writing work. You can contact him via ned -at- nedinthecloud – dot com or reach out via Twitter or LinkedIn for writing examples.

Tom Coffeen | LinkedIn
IPv6 Buzz

Tom Coffeen is a network engineer, architect, and tech author and communicator with over twenty years of internetwork design, deployment, administration, and management experience.

Tom began his IT journey as a dial-up tech support agent at a Phoenix-based ISP in 1987 helping Windows 3.1 users connect to the Internet using Trumpet Winsock.

More recently, Tom co-founded HexaBuild, an IT consultancy specializing in the advancement of cloud, IoT, and security deployment best practices through IPv6 adoption.

Prior to co-founding HexaBuild, Tom was the Chief IPv6 Evangelist and a Distinguished Architect at Infoblox, the market leader in DNS, DHCP and IP address management (DDI) and network automation solutions. At Infoblox, Tom focused on the articulation of effective IPv6 adoption strategies for both enterprises and service providers. Prior to joining Infoblox, Tom was the VP of network architecture at the global CDN Limelight Networks where he led their deployment of IPv6.

Tom Coffeen is the author of O’Reilly Media’s IPv6 Address Planning and blogs regularly at the Infoblox Community IPv6 Center of Excellence blog.

Drew Conry-Murray | LinkedIn
Heavy Networking
Network Break
Tech Bytes

Drew has been covering enterprise IT as a writer and editor since 1998, with a particular focus on enterprise networks and data centers, cloud computing, and information security.

Prior to joining Packet Pushers, Drew was Director of Content & Community for the Interop conference, where he led efforts to refocus workshops and conference tracks to emphasize independent, practitioner-focused learning on both core and emerging technologies.

Before Interop, Drew was Editor in Chief at Network Computing, and has held senior editorial positions at InformationWeek and Network Magazine.

At Packet Pushers, Drew co-hosts the weekly Network Break podcast and also appears on Heavy Networking. He offers analysis and context about enterprise IT via his writing on the site. He produces the Human Infrastructure newsletter, and manages contributors to the Packet Pushers Community blog.

Drew is a Tech Field Day delegate and has been invited to attend numerous IT events as a blogger and “influencer” (whatever that means).

When he’s not influencing, Drew writes fiction. Some of it even gets published.

Kristina Devochko | LinkedIn
Kubernetes Unpacked

Hi there! I’m Kris, aka kristhecodingunicorn. I’m a techie from Norway who loves preaching about all things Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Green Tech and cats. I am working as a Software Architect and driving tech projects that support digitalization journey in public and private sector, minimizing bureaucracy and making citizens’ life easier. I am also a Microsoft Azure MVP and CNCF ambassador.

I love learning new things and sharing my journey and experiences with others. My goal is to inspire others developers to code with sustainability, security and cloud native principles in mind. I also hope that with my actions and contributions I can inspire and motivate more ladies to join the world of tech!

I strongly believe that contributing to making this world a better place by volunteering is something all of us should consider doing, therefore being a volunteer is a big part of my life. Both when it comes to contributing back to tech community and non-profit organizations making a crucial positive impact in other areas of our life on this planet. On a personal note, I love reading books, photography, puzzles, board games, drawing and hiking. I am also an active supporter of sustainability in tech and outside of it, and animal welfare.

Greg Ferro | LinkedIn
Heavy Networking
Heavy Strategy
Network Break
Tech Bytes

Greg survived 25+ years of Enterprise IT as a network engineer, architect, and designer. Involved with a wide range of companies in gaming, online, finance, carriers, energy and other, he was a team member or leader that designed, built and deployed quite a few medium & large solutions for well known large companies. He was CCIE#6920 (and a bunch of others) but that's not relevant now.

With a multi-vendor focus from the start, he has worked with a wide range of vendors, their products and technologies. Which turned out pretty well if you are going to talk about them intelligently on a podcast every week but left him with a passion for predictable, stable solutions that he never got to experience in the real world.

He is well known for his Etherealmind technology blog since 2008, and has been a regular speaker & presenter at a wide range of industry events. For a dedicated technologist, he is surprisingly passionate and committed to treating people as humans that are profit-generating productivity tools instead of ‘fleshy robots as a cost centre’.

Scott Hogg | LinkedIn
IPv6 Buzz

Scott Hogg is CTO and a co-founder of, an IPv6 consulting and training firm.

Scott is a CCIE #5133 and CISSP #4610 with over 25 years of network and security experience. Scott actively works on cloud systems, possessing many AWS certifications along with the CCSK and CCSP cloud security certifications.

Scott is the author of the A Cloud Guru course “Rapidly Deploying IPv6 on AWS”. Scott is Chair Emeritus of the Rocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force (RMv6TF), and a member of the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence (COE). Scott has authored the Cisco Press book on IPv6 Security and also writes for

Ed Horley | LinkedIn
IPv6 Buzz

Ed Horley is often called the “crazy IPv6 dude” by his friends and colleagues and is the author of Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators from Apress and is a Pluralsight author for two IPv6 courses. Ed is the current Co-Chair of the California IPv6 Task Force, on the Technical Advisory Board for Infoblox in their IPv6 Center of Excellence and speaks internationally on IPv6 at various conferences. His background is networking having worked for several VARs and technology startups in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He is the Co-founder of HexaBuild, focused on advancing cloud, IoT and security with IPv6. He maintains a blog at where he covers technical topics of interest to him and is on twitter @ehorley. Ed also provides subject matter expertise to investors as a technical adviser.

Ed lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area and was born and raised in Silicon Valley. He caveats all conversations around technology by saying he lives in a myopic bubble and what seems like reality for him might be more like a scene from Inception or the Matrix for everyone else. The reality distortion field is strong out here!

Michael Levan | LinkedIn
Kubernetes Unpacked

Michael Levan is a seasoned engineer and consultant in the Kubernetes space who spends his time working with startups and enterprises around the globe on Kubernetes and cloud-native projects. He also performs technical research, creates real-world, project-focused content, and coaches engineers on how to cognitively embark on their engineering journey.

He is a DevOps pro, HashiCorp Ambassador, AWS Community Builder, and loves helping the tech community by public speaking internationally, blogging, and authoring tech books.

Michael is currently on the Kubernetes v1.28 Release Team

Scott Lowe | LinkedIn
Full Stack Journey

Scott Lowe is a well-known author, blogger, speaker, and a 20+ year veteran of the IT industry. Scott has held a variety of roles over the course of his career, ranging from entry-level desktop support to CTO for a small start-up. He's currently a field engineer with Heptio, focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, and related technologies.

Scott has authored a number of technical books, including Mastering VMware vSphere, VMware vSphere Design, and (most recently) Network Programmability and Automation. Visit his author page on Amazon.

Scott shares technical content regularly on his blog at You can follow Scott on Twitter at @scott_lowe.

Keith Parsons | LinkedIn
Heavy Wireless

Keith has a passion to help build and encourage a strong and growing community of WLAN professionals who excel in their chosen field. Keith is a teacher at heart and loves connecting with other WLAN Pros from all over the world.

Keith believes in the free sharing of knowledge, creating better training and education opportunities, and encouraging regular gatherings as professionals and peers. His hope, and the vision of this site and the conferences, is to help develop better technicians, engineers, VARs, and vendors who in turn will build better networks around the world. Something we are all striving for.

  • He’s a Husband, Father, Grandpa, Teacher, Geek –
  • He’s all about – Wi-Fi, WLAN, Wireless, Travel, Gadgets, Networking,
  • He is CWNE#3,
  • He has 110+ network certifications
  • He is a speaker and author.

Keith is very active on Twitter and would love to connect with you there.

Johna Till Johnson | LinkedIn
Heavy Strategy

A widely regarded expert, Ms. Johnson is currently the content committee chair at the Wall St. Technology Association (WSTA) and regularly speaks at events such as RSA, the Wall St. Technology Association, and others.

Before founding Nemertes, Ms. Johnson served as senior vice president and chief technology officer at Greenwich Technology Partners, a global infrastructure consulting and engineering firm. At GTP, she managed strategic technology investments, partnerships, and acquisitions, and ran the technology practices. She also managed the laboratory services, oversaw training, and performed consulting for strategic clients.

Prior to joining GTP, she headed the Global Networking Strategies Service business unit of META Group. Prior to META, she ran the lab-testing program for Data Communications Magazine, Ms. Johnson managed the lab-testing program. In the early‘90s she was one of the first experts to accurately predict and justify the rise of the commercial Internet.

Ms. Johnson also has designed and developed security, speech-synthesis, and free-space laser products at companies including Mosler Security Systems and Digitus Corp.

She holds a BSEE (CS) from The Johns Hopkins University, has conducted graduate work in nuclear and particle physics at the University of Rochester, speaks three languages, and published a science fiction novel in 1995.

She is an avid urban (and exurban) kayaker.